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Fri 16.11 2018

TEDxZurich 2018


Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen
Fernsehstrasse, 8052 Zurich


Friday 16 November 2018
H 09:00 - 16:30

How much

70.00 CHF

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience.

The Theme – Connection
In 2018, individually and collectively, people are more connected than ever. With incredibly powerful communication devices at our fingertips at all times, sharing an anonymous opinion is just a click away.

Sharing an opinion however, is not having a conversation. The art of conversation lies in listening, in letting go of our preconceived notions and embracing the idea that there might be more to the story. As well as to connect to the marginalized voices, vying for a say in the noise of the online world.

There’s always a story, an experience, an idea that we can learn from that makes us think critically and challenge our own beliefs. Join TEDxZurich 2018 at the SRF Studios and let’s hear these stories, these experiences and ideas worth spreading and commit to action for a more equitable world.

Entry to 12 talks, 3 performances and an interactive TEDx experience
Lunch, drinks and refreshments, Apero

Written by Zero Zurich