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Mon 03.06 2019



Schiffbauplatz, 8005 Zurich


Monday 03 June 2019
H 20:30

How much

38.00 CHF


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Alpenländische Blasmusik Neu Definiert

Frédéric Alvarado-Dupuy cl/voc, Simon Zöchbauer tp/flh/voc/zit, Philip Haas tp/flh/voc, Ayac Jimenez-Salvador tp/flh/voc, Thomas Winalek tb/tp/voc, Matthias Werner tb/voc, Roland Eitzinger tuba/voc

Alpine Folk Brass Music, contemporarily refined. Without any reservations, the septet combines folk music with elements of world music. Federspiel’s signature is own compositions which relate to the musical and biographical roots of the seven musicians and thus let the boundaries between tradition and modern take their course. For more than 12 years, the band’s unconditional playing enthusiasm has led to them being considered as one of the most innovative and interesting sound projects of the European brass music scene.

Written by Zero Zurich