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Sat 27.01 2018

Wang Wen


Rote Fabrik - Musik
Seestrasse, 8002 Zurich


Saturday 27 January 2018
H 21:00

How much

28.00 CHF

As China’s leading post rock band, Wang Wen is also one of the most esteemed and diligent bands that enjoy international reputation in overseas music scene. In the year of 1999,Wang Wen started in Dalian, a northern harbor city of China.

Wang Wen’s music narrates stories of their inward journey, sometimes gentle and joyful, sometimes bitter and mournful. Wang Wen has went through hundreds of live shows, including three tours to Europe, several international music festivals and same stage performances with great bands like Mogwai and Mono. These live experiences made Wang Wen a unique and charming live band. Since then, Wang Wen has received wide attention from both Chinese and overseas fans, and has grown to be the most prominent instrumental band in China.

Written by Zero Zurich