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Do 02.08 2018

DOSCI - Jimi Jules


Club Zukunft
Dienerstrasse, 8004 Zurich


Donnerstag 02 August 2018
H 23:00 - 04:00


Jimi Jules (Zukunft Recordings)

Zurich based DJ and producer Jimi Jules is one of the most promising upcoming artists within the international underground dance music scene. Together with his partner in crime Oliver $, this Swiss groovy multi-instrumentalist recently shook up the scene with their smash-hit „Pushing On“, occupying the beatport number one spot for over two weeks. The tune emanated centrifugally, inducing shaky legs from the centre of Europe to the beaches of Miami and the shores of Japan. But let’s be clear: Jimi Jules ain’t no one hit wonder!

Geschrieben von Zero Zurich