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Beaches Brew mix: Ryley Walker

Four mixtapes from four artists of Beaches Brew festival (6-10 june at Hana-Bi, Marina di Ravenna). Today: Ryley Walker

Geschrieben von La Redazione il 10 Mai 2016
Aggiornato il 8 Juni 2016

Theme is “Summer BBQ soundtrack”

People Under the StairsAcid Raindrops
First crack of the beer.


Dick DiverHead Back
Great summertimes cruising tunes.


Miles DavisSivad
A precursor to like 10 types of music.


Caetano VelosoOnde o Rio e Mais Baiano
Four beers deep.


Sea PinksFreak Wave
Great band from Belfast. Been listening to them a lot lately.


Gang StarrTake Two and Pass
Been listening to this song since i was 12. Good memories of jamming this on my walkman walking around town.


Bailter SpaceSplat
One of my favorite songs.


Linda RichApple Tree
Good comedown for the afternoon rain.