Il Kappa FuturFestival sabato pomeriggio offre la possibilità di godersi in una botta sola tre pietre miliari dell’house music: Little Louie Vega, David Morales e Tony Humpries. Ognuno con un passato diverso che gli ha permesso di fare un percorso legato al clubbing per ognuno diverso. Tutti però accomunati dalla passione per l’house music che hanno visto nascere. Magari oggi in Italia suonano un po‘ meno rispetto a qualche anno fa, ma mai come oggi è invece importante sentire un loro dj set per capire quanto di quello che certi big dj arriva dal passato e fa esplodere ancora il dancefloor. Una lezione di storia dell’house imperdibile in un contesto come il Kappa dove c’è il nuovo più di massa e il passato che non ci mollerà mai.
Non potevamo farci sfuggire un’occasione così ghiotta per chiedere a due dei pionieri dell’house quali sono secondo loro i tre masterpiece house di sempre:
-Little Louie Vega-
Three masterpieces are:
Lil Louis & The World
This to me is a top house album, very well produced, great songs, and really took house music to another level. Louis is a great talent!!!
Philadelphia Classics Double Album
Gamble & Huff are my favorite producer/songwriters who took r’&’b and soul by storm with all their music. It was their MFSB project that spawned some of my projects like Nuyorican Soul (produced by Masters at Work) and Elements of Life (produced by Louie Vega). They really knew how to tailor songs and productions to the artists they worked with as well. They had the best rhythm section ever who were the creators of this thing we call house. Beatmakers of house music have sampled baker, harris andyoung which helped create the house beat on machines! I know this is not a house album but if you listen to the beats here you’ll know the roots of this thing we call house! Homage to these genius creators of some of the best music of all time!
MFSB – Love Is The Message
MFSB – TSOP (The Sound Of Philadelphia)
The Three Degrees – Dirty Ol‘ Man
The O’Jays – I Love Music
Harold Melvin & The Blue Notes – Don’t Leave Me This Way
The O’Jays – Love Train
The Intruders – I’ll Always Love My Mama
Harold Melvin & The Blue Notes – Bad Luck
Nuyorican Soul – Nuyorican Soul
When my partner Kenny Dope and I produced this album we changed the way records were made and inspired many others to put more into the innovation and evolution of dance music. Bringing together such a large array of artists and songs was no easy feat, but we had a dream and brought it to reality on this project. The history of MAW in NYC! Check out „It’s Alright, I Feel It“, „Sweet Tears“, „You Can Do It“ and „The Nervous Track“ on the album. We combined sounds of house, broken beat, and drum and bass with powerful songs, and mending gospel, jazz, and deep house rhythms.
Move Your Body – Marshall Jefferson
This would have to be the most successful house record of all time. This record is what brought house music to the masses. Move Your Body was a monster.
I’ll Be Your Friend – Robert Owens
This is one of my signature underground productions that I wrote with Satoshi Tomiie.
Robert did the vocals in my bedroom of my apartment. The original mix is the original demo. It’s a Pure House Production. This in the early 90’s was the pinnacle of the house movement on a global level.
Can U Party – Royal House
This was one of Todd Terry’s BOMBS. ToddTerry the all time KING of sampling. I remember this in the 80’s. Pure adrenaline. No one was on Todd’s level during this period.