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mar 04.10 2016 – mer 05.10 2016

Festival MilanOltre - Compagnie Marie Chouinard


Elfo Puccini
Corso Buenos Aires 33, 20124 Milano


martedì 04 ottobre 2016 – mercoledì 05 ottobre 2016
H 20:30


€ 28/10


Sito web

Compagnie Marie Chouinard, a contemporary company from Montreal, in a two–part performance at Royce Hall, UCLA, Saturday the first, 24 PRELUDES BY CHOPIN and LE CRI DU MONDE, both new to L.A. During Le Cri Du Monde one of the men is carried out by the group. (Photo by Carlos Chavez/Los Angeles Times via Getty Images)

“Le cri du monde”, prima nazionale e “Le sacre du printemps”, coreografia e direzione artistica Marie Chouinard. In Sala Shakespeare.