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So 21.04 2024

'DESTROYED' AF Reflect - Design Week


LIT Milano
Via Daniele Crespi 7, Milano


Sonntag 21 April 2024
H 15:00

“You can’t see me” come John Cena

La progettazione spesso parte dalla vista. Non a caso ci incontreremo grazie a un brand di occhiali. Ma perchè non cambiare senso e affidarci all’udito? L’azienda AF Reflect Eyewear con le sue montature, progettate a Berlino e lavorate manualmente in Italia da maestri artigiani, unisce alle forme sperimentali della cultura underground dei club una ricerca su materiali pregiati. Portano lo stesso approccio al Fuorisalone proponendoci un pomeriggio di costruzione di paesaggi sonori dagli artisti musicali Francesco del Garda (co-fondatore del marchio), Inner Lakes, Born in 1986 e E/Tape. 

Per godere al meglio del viaggio, ci saranno anche Eva Che AKA CheHub (una dei pochi Forbes Under 30) ad accompagnarci in una degustazione di nutrimento solido e Drinkello per quello liquido, con i loro “ready to drink”.

As John Cena says: “You can’t see me”

Design often starts with the eye. It is no coincidence that we will meet thanks to an eyewear brand. However, why not switch senses and rely on hearing? The AF Reflect Eyewear company with its frames, designed in Berlin and handcrafted in Italy by master artisans, combines the experimental shapes of underground club culture with research into fine materials. They bring the same approach to the Fuorisalone by offering us an afternoon of soundscape construction by musical artists Francesco del Garda (co-founder of the brand), Inner Lakes, Born in 1986 and E/Tape. 

To enjoy the journey at its best, there will also be Eva Che AKA CheHub (one of the few Forbes Under 30) to accompany us in a tasting of solid nourishment and Drinkello for the liquid one, with their „ready to drink“

Geschrieben von Emma Bartolini