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Wed 18.04 2018

Design Pride 2018


Wednesday 18 April 2018
H 18:00 - 23:50

How much


Foto di Luca Rossetti

Every self-respecting event needs its moment of collective union. During Design Week, that moment is without a doubt Design Pride. Seletti has been unleashing its colourful collection on floats, Ape Cars, vehicles and bicycles in the 5VIE district for a few years now, in a parade that brings the whole design public together. Seletti is joined by friends Paride Vitale, Gufram and Toiletpaper, Cattelan’s magazine. The show will start from Piazza Castello (corner of Via Minghetti) and end in Piazza Affari, beneath the big middle finger by Cattelan, with a party and live shows from Gaia Gozzi, of X-Factor fame, and Ghemon. Followed by open-air DJ sets that will get the whole piazza dancing.

Written by Alessia Musillo