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Fri 15.04 2016

Game Design Week


Santeria (Toscana, 31)
Viale Toscana 31, Milano


Friday 15 April 2016
H 09:00 - 20:30

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“The challenges of digital design: creating apps and videogames”: exploration of the design and development of video games with game designers, academic developers and sector insiders. Speakers include: Andrea Vitali, Carlo Cuomo, Carlo Santagostino, Dario Maggiorini, Emanuele Klemp, Enrico Gandolfi, Federico Fasce, Giuseppe Enrico Franchi, Laura Ripamonti, Luca Roncella, Marina Rossi, Mauro Vanetti, Michele Gotuzzo, Paolo Branca and Roberto Fassone. From 9:00 to 20:30.