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Fri 31.03 2017 – Sun 18.02 2018

Giro Giro Tondo. Design for Children - X edizione


Museo permanente del Design - Triennale
Viale E. Alemagna 6, 20121 Milano


Friday 31 March 2017 – Sunday 18 February 2018

How much


My parents never bought me the Abitacolo bed by Munari for my bedroom, but there were plenty of other kids who had one back in the 70’s – children of affluent and enlightened families naturally. It was, to all effects, the quintessence of play: it attracted and galvanised infantile hyperactivity. “Giro Giro Tondo” (an Italian children’s song similar to Ring a Ring o’ Roses), the new edition of the Triennale Design Museum, is dedicated to childhood and therefore draws inspiration from Bruno Munari, the inescapable choice. The exhibition not only takes its overall theme from him but also dedicates a specific section to his work, curated by Alberto Munari, while Francesca Picchi curates another section about the more radical figure Riccardo Dalisi. The exhibition is structured thematically: the history of furniture curated by Paola Maino; the history of the toy curated by Luca Fois; the history of urban installations, performance and architecture curated by Fulvio Irace; the history of graphic design, installation and publishing curated by Pietro Corraini; the history of animation curated by Maurizio Nichetti and the history of tools for writing and drawing curated by Francesca Balena Arista. Between these themed sections are exhibits on the history of pedagogy, curated by Franca Zuccoli and Monica Guerra, and on the iconicity of storytelling such as Pinocchio, curated by Enrico Ercole. The ouverture, curated by Stefano Giovannoni, is dedicated to playful design.

Written by Lucia Tozzi