The Bolognese guide is double-faced: being classical on the one hand, intellectual on the other.
The first type will directly lead you through the tours and St. Petronio, the second one goes straight to Sala Borsa. The guide will point out: this is not a mere public library, there’s a world inside it.
No doubt, it’s a huge archive: periodicals, books, movies, illustrated volumes, besides it stands as the symbol of the brand new city, the one’s able to recover old wrecks in a modern perspective for the community. That’s a sort of covered square, all in cast iron and crystal, leaning on an ancient archeological site, which is made visible thanks to a transparent floor. What’s important: the central concept of Sala Borsa is sharing. The conception of sharing works both for families with children, as they can join a recreational area, and adults, since they can revalue the habit of taking care of their minds and inner peace: they can softly sink into reading, while getting comfortable on a leather sofa; clochards and people who can’t afford a private place are coming here to rest and meet; this is a cozy area for everyone, including young student.
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Biblioteca Salaborsa (Public Library)

Biblioteca Salaborsa (Public Library)
Piazza del Nettuno, 3
- lunedi chiuso
- martedi 10–20
- mercoledi 10–20
- giovedi 10–20
- venerdi 10–20
- sabato 10–19
- domenica chiuso
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