Fri 12.04 2019

Design the Temple Festival 2019 - Sounds Familiar Shakedown: Volcov + Dego + Ge-ology


Acropolis - Tempio del futuro perduto
Via Luigi Nono 9, 20100 Milano


Friday 12 April 2019
H 16:00 - 05:00

How much

€ 5 con dono (indumento usato per Opera S. Francesco per i poveri o libro per la rete delle biblioteche pubbliche milanesi), € 10 senza dono

“Just think of happy thoughts and you’ll fly” Peter Pan told us. And that’s certainly not hard at the Temple. Take a serial vinyl collector from Baltimore (he got his first 45 at the age of 5) who truly honours music unconstrained by trends, genres or instruments and mix with some innovative Italian talent who rises above the hype and just makes music he likes. Voila: a Ge-Ology & Volcov on the rocks. Just think of this event and you’ll fly.

With their arsenal of killer disco, jazz, funk, boogie and soul tracks, they’ll have us off to the second star on the right in no time and then it’s straight on till morning amidst flamingos and unicorns (they’re design obviously).

Sacred Design Exhibition in the basement beforehand.

Written by Ilaria Blondich