The headquarters of the French Academy in Rome, is that marvellous building (in the past it was a Medici’s private property) embracing Pincio. Its current function, as foreign cultural space, is two centuries old, seeing its dawn in the Napoleonic Wars at the beginning of 1800, when it ceased to be a private residence, according to Napoleon will. Taken away during Second World War, re constructed in 1961, following Balthus guide lines. It’s still a dynamic center, proposing Cinema festivals, exhibitions, concerts. A random event is always worthy at least to admire Rome from the almost royal garden.
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French Academy - Villa Medici
ZERO here: si gode la grandeur di Roma.

French Academy - Villa Medici
Viale Trinità dei Monti, 1
- lunedi chiuso
- martedi 10–19
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- giovedi 10–19
- venerdi 10–19
- sabato 10–19
- domenica 10–19
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