Abruzzi – the authentic one, not the faded copy to which we are accustomed by the other restaurants in the city miming the specialties of Abruzzi – is nearer then you think: precisely in a cross street in via Ripamonti. Here Vladimiro Babbo, Roberto for his friends, coming from Avezzano (“he’s from from Marsica, the mountains area of Abruzzi, that area in which the last year the temperature fell down to 28 degrees under zero and the wolves came down into towns”) in 2010 he opened an activity that should inspire the next restaurants of the city in the future. This is because it’s focused on high quality row materials of its the area, cooked as once, not compromising them (“we light seasoning a bit: the peasant that burns the lamb sauce hoeing the ground is quite different from the Milanese man that works in a office”). Bread, pasta and sweets are homemade, such as roasted appetizer grilled on real coal, handmade with Abruzzi goat’s meat and served with toasted bread in a wonderful ceramic jar that preserves the heat: really wonderful!
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Il Capestrano
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Il Capestrano
Via G. F. Pizzi, 14
- lunedi 12:30–14:30 , 19:30–23
- martedi 12:30–14:30 , 19:30–23
- mercoledi 12:30–14:30 , 19:30–23
- giovedi 12:30–14:30 , 19:30–23
- venerdi 12:30–14:30 , 19:30–23
- sabato 12:30–14:30 , 19:30–23
- domenica 12:30–14:30 , 19:30–23
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