Balera dell’Ortica is definitely a summer place, or anyway one of those places where you can feel like you’re really on holiday even though you’re still in Milan. In this way you can spend a night having pairs of first courses in surprise, several second courses and Abruzzese’s roasted lamb (ok, the food is not memorable, but what do you care if you’re enjoying the night?); and then guzzle liters of red wine with fizzy drink and go to dance with sixty-year-old people – who are still young and love to dance, telling you their stories. This turns the summer up. Do you remember when you went to spend the holiday with your parents and they took you to their parties, but you was really bored? Now it’s not that way anymore. If they are unable to leave, just like you, invite them to spend the night in Balera: you will have fun all, be fine spending a few money, avoid journeys of hope and be looking for wellness on the other side of the world.
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Balera dell'Ortica
ZERO here: Mangia, beve, balla, sta bene

Foto di Nicola Marfisi
Balera dell'Ortica
Via Giovanni Antonio Amadeo, 78
- lunedi chiuso
- martedi c–h
- mercoledi c–h
- giovedi c–h
- venerdi c–h
- sabato c–h
- domenica c–h
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